Thursday, February 2, 2012

I Have a Dream

Check the date. You'll notice that it is Ground Hogs Day, not Martin Luther King Day, as would be suggested by the title. This dream, which blossomed in the twilight hours of my repose (as is the general custom of dreams), is to begin my own publication. To detail my life's ambitions, horrors, joys, tragedies, delights, and ennui as so many have done before me. In fact, so many HAVE done this before me, that I am a little late to the party. And what could I possibly add to the expanse of the blogosphere? What could my own little shameless musings impart to the great world abroad?

Not much. But, it seems that obstacle hasn't stopped others from foisting their wisdom on the whole of humanity, and it appears to be a very slight barrier to me as well.

So here it is. Post one. Day one.